RTW Aubercy Black Two-Eyelets Derbies - 9UK/43FR
RTW Aubercy Black Two-Eyelets Derbies - 9UK​/​43FR


Aubercy is an institution in the world of shoemaking for more than 80 years. Founded in 1935 by André and Renée Aubercy at 34 Rue Vivienne​​​,​​​ their moto has always been quality and elegance​​​,​​​ blending the influence of english construction and the delicate appearance of Parisian shoemaking. Their shoes were made for the Parisian high-society who didn't want to wait for their cobbler to finish their order. These shoes and boots were assembled in a small shop between Belleville (the historic shoemakers and cobblers district) and the Buttes-Chaumont (where the new factories were built). One of their first model was their iconic Swann: a refined cap-toe oxford typical of Parisian style with their subtle chisel-toe. Other classics followed like the André (a sleek two-eyelets derby) and the James (a very english quarter brogue). Immediately their reputation grew among a certain clientele​​​,​​​ notably aristocrats​​​,​​​ artists​​​,​​​ and heads-of-state. Some of these clients include: the Duke of Windsor​​​,​​​ the Baron de Redé (the legendary patron of Nikolaus Tuczek and later George Cleverley)​​​,​​​ Arthuro Lopez​​​,​​​ Albert Sarraut and Sacha Guitry. One of their classic model during the period was their button boot: the Lawrence. Created during the late 1930's​​​,​​​ this button-boot was the preferred choice of art-collector and dandy Arthuro Lopez. After the war​​​,​​​ they became famous around Paris for their original patterns​​​,​​​ the lightness of their shoes​​​,​​​ and their durability. In 1970​​​,​​​ André retired and his son Philippe with his wife Odette took over. Aubercy grew with the introduction of ladies shoes​​​,​​​ and a made-to-order line to customise your shoes​​​,​​​ selecting the leather​​​,​​​ the details of the pattern​​​,​​​ the construction (blake or goodyear welt) and the last. With the growing orders​​​,​​​ they decided to work with a new factory in Pleyel (Saint-Denis)​​​,​​​ and later in Pantin​​​,​​​ with the same spirit of quality and craft (all their models were handwelted). In 1995​​​,​​​ their son Xavier became the new manager​​​,​​​ with the help of his father and mother. He introduced new models​​​,​​​ like the Crazy Lace (an asymmetric laced oxford)​​​,​​​ and their new best-seller: the Lupin. This loafer is probably the most beautiful in the world​​​,​​​ thanks to its elegant last and their original mask​​​,​​​ an homage to the famous gentleman thief Arsène Lupin. They expanded their shop with a high-quality cobbler atelier (Rue de Luynes in the 7th Arrondissement)​​​,​​​ as well as opening again their bespoke atelier Rue de Vivienne​​​,​​​ with the help first of Didier Martinez (one of the best cobbler in Paris and the former chef d'atelier at Berluti) and later with Yasuhiro Shiota (a former lastmaker at Corthay). With the closing of the factory in Pantin​​​,​​​ they decided to make their ready-to-wear shoes in Italy with Enzo Bonafé​​​,​​​ with the same specifications as their old models. In June 2016 the French Ministry of Economic and Finances awarded Aubercy the "Entreprise du patrimoine vivant" label​​​,​​​ a distinction for their work as one of the last independent Parisian shoemaker. Aubercy incarnates the blend between english durability​​​,​​​ italian style​​​,​​​ and Parisian originality to this day. I propose a classic from Aubercy: a black two eyelet derby (also known as a prince of wales derby). It is built on the same last as their current derby​,​ the André. Made in the early 2000's in their Pantin factory​​​,​​​ this derby is the perfect shoe with your best suit​​,​ or with a pair of odd trousers and your favorite blazer​. It is a blake stitching of excellent quality. The condition is excellent. The size is a 9UK​​​​/​​​​43EU. Check the measurements below to be sure it fits you: Length left shoe: 30​,​5 cm Length right shoe: 30​,​5​ cm Width left shoe: 9​,​6 cm Width right shoe: 9​,​6 cm Shoetrees not included The quality is equivalent to: John Lobb​​​​,​​​​ Edward Green​​​​,​​​​ Corthay​​​​,​​​​ Saint Crispin's​​​​,​​​​ Gaziano & Girling​​​​,​​​​ Bontoni​​​​,​​​​ George Cleverley​​​​,​​​​ Foster & Son​​​​,​​​​ Paolo Scafora​​​​,​​​​ Hermès If you have questions regarding the shoes​​​​,​​​​ don't hesitate to ask. Possibly to try them in Paris 15th Arrondissement.


Footwear size - UK: 9

Condition: Excellent

Colour: Black

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